Monday, October 8, 2012

Today, October 8, 2012

Today’s project:  Enjoy the little things

So after my bout with the evil viral bug that decided to inhabit my body for the past few days, I’m ready to get back to work!  Well, ready in spirit, but not quite in body.  Meaning, although I’d love to dig into a big involved project, my tired aching bones are saying, ‘Can’t I have just one more day off?’

Now, I’m willing to be as accommodating as the next essentially lazy person, but I can’t let this day be a total waste given that I’ve allowed the ickiness to take more than 3 days already.

NO! I will not be conquered!

Ok, maybe I will be conquered a little…

I decided I would take today’s project into the existential.  I am going to spend a little time enjoying ‘little’ things.  Which given the state of my wallet and my schedule, is about all I can enjoy.  But I’m making the most of it, dang it! =)

Dear reader, delight in these small parts of life with me. 

[Post your own, if you want, I’d love to hear them!]

Brushing my hair
I know it is going to sound weird, but I don’t actually do this very often. I have naturally curly hair, so if I run a brush through it, I tend to look like an angry red Q-tip.  Or a poodle badly in need of a trip to the groomer.  Needless to say, I usually only brush right before I’m going to hop in the shower, where the horrible effects of said brushing are quickly erased from view.  But it sure feels good on my scalp…

A long, hot shower
My personal view of heaven is pretty simple.  I think heaven is the place where they have every book you could ever want to read and there is no due date.  And the place where you can take a wonderful hot shower for as long as you want without worrying about using up all of the hot water or what the utility bill is going to look like next month.  That’s it.  Oh, that we get to quiz God about anything we want.  And have I got a list going! =)

A deer in our front yard
As I was working on this post, I happened to glance out the window of the living room onto the front lawn.  There, in anxious repose by our (in sore need of a trim) tree was a beautiful deer.  I tried to snap a pic.

‘Nuff said.

An early morning snuggle
I’m sure my fellow SAHMs (Stay-At-Home-Mom) can commiserate with how hectic mornings can be.  Getting everyone dressed, fed, lunched and off to school can wear a Mom out before the day has even started.  I’m lucky in that my girlies are fairly early risers and don’t need me to actually wake them up.  When they get to be teenagers, I’m sure I’ll be telling a totally different story and look back on this post and GUFFAW! But for now, I revel in the fact that I don’t have to get my lazy butt out of the warm bed and yell, “Time to get up!”  They usually come in and check with me before starting their morning routine, and this morning, because I’ve been so ill the past couple of days, my youngest climbed in to bed and lay down with me as I pretended to watch the video on the tv…but I was really just completely enjoying my stolen snuggle…bliss…

A text from a friend
Ok, it’s kinda unusual for me lately, but I slept in this morning; which is all well and good until I was awakened by that familiar twang of a text message.  As I looked at the clock on the bedside table and began to feel the familiar pangs of guilt for lounging in bed until the ungodly hour of 11:30, I reached for the phone and was delighted to see a text from a friend I haven’t seen in several weeks asking to set up an adult play-date for this weekend. SQUEEE!  What a great way to wake up!

Making a mess
I’ve decided to work on Steampunk stuff this week and as such have drug out all of my items.  I do this for inspiration and also to see what else I might need to purchase to complete a project.  I made a mess!!!  And since it has a purpose, I feel no immediate need to clean it up. Take that!

Inspiration from a friend
My friends are some of the most supportive, inspirational people I know.  That MIGHT be why they are my friends, I dunno. Ahem.  ANYWAYS, I love the ideas and thoughts that they give me on a daily basis – everything from tips on how to clean the windows to suggestions on how to change the world.  I’m always thrilled to try and apply the advice that I receive in love from truly intelligent people.  Good thing they are my buds!

I like to knit.  Simple as that. I picked up the hobby backstage at a show once where I had a lot of time in the dressing room and my fellow actor was knitting a gift for someone.  I’d always wanted to try it and she was kind enough to show me the basics.  I was hooked after that. No pun intended.  I find it soothing and a great pastime to make me feel like I’m still accomplishing something even when I’m just sitting on my butt watching TV.  Best. Thing. EVER!

Silly animal pics on the interwebs
Tee hee
Pomeranian Jones

Chatting with a friend on FB
I’ve been horribly addicted to FaceBook off and on ever since I signed up several years ago.  One of my favorite features is the ‘chat’ function.  It is a great way for me to talk ALL DAY with an out-of-town friend, exchanging ideas and anecdotes, without needing to leave the house.

A clean kitchen counter
Even if it only lasts 10 minutes, I derive great satisfaction from seeing NO dishes on the counter and in the sink…ahhhhh…

Seeing the cutest video EVER of my nephew walking
Another advantage to keeping up with friends and family on FaceBook is the photos and videos that people post.  Most people keep this form of ‘album’ way more up-to-date than any other since it is so easy to upload a quick pic from your phone or tablet.  I’m always thankful that I get to see the little ones grow and change, even if I can’t visit very often.

Enjoying an amazing musical movie
Can there be anything more glorious than the amazing musical stylings of Frank Sinatra? Or Gene Kelly? Or Eddie Murphy?  I LOOOOOOVEEE movie musicals and nothing brings a smile to my face faster than the amazing dancing and singing one can find in one of these films.  As I am fond of saying, ‘if it’s got singing and dancing in it, I’m a fan!’

After school huggles
One of my favorite parts of the day is the big smiles I see and the big hugs I get when my girlies get home from school.  Is there anything more glorious than the yell of, ‘Hi Mommy!’ accompanied by a great big, full body tackle? Nope. There isn’t.

In our current society, being as busy and go-go-go as humanly possible is valued as being successful.  So it really can be a project to take some time out to enjoy those little moments of pleasure throughout our days.  Mine took all day!

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