Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today, October 17, 2012

Today’s Project:  Cherish encouragement from friends

As I sit down to my pile of note cards and fancy papers preparing to work on my ‘Correspondence Club,’ I review the responses that I’ve received over the past couple of weeks, including the two that I got most recently; within the past two days.

I was having what I refer to as a ‘small day’ today.  I use this phrase because it seems to best describe a day where I feel…well, small.  A day where not a whole lot seems to engage, excite or entice; a day where things that usually bring a smile just bring a sigh; a day where when I spend time reviewing my ‘accomplishments’ I find the list beyond wanting…beyond that to just plain inadequate and worthless ..and small.
Well, you get the idea...

However, I knew that if I didn’t make myself do a project for today, if I didn’t make it project-today instead of small-today, I would find myself no better off tomorrow than I am today.  Maybe worse.

Now, don’t worry, dear reader.  I’m not going to hole myself up in my bed eating nothing but frosting and watching the same movie over and over again…well, at least not for a while. =)  But, I also don’t want to waste the time that I’ve been gifted by feeling sorry for myself.  And that is, frankly, pretty durn boring….

So, what’s the alternative?  Force my butt up off of the couch and do something…unless I can do something while planted on the couch.  Best of both worlds, there…baby steps and all that, you know… =)

I gathered the wonderful tote I made a few weeks ago that holds my Correspondence Club supplies, found a silly movie OnDemand and prepared to dig in.

As I opened the new cards and notes that I received and re-read the ones I got previously, I found my smile growing and growing.  And as it got bigger, I discovered my day was less and less ‘small’ and more and more...well, not 'big'...but there was a warm-ness inside that wasn't there before.

When I began the experiment of the Correspondence Club, I really just wanted an excuse to encourage me in writing letters.  As I asked people to participate, I was clear that I didn’t expect any type of reply from them; I just wanted to have a destination for my letters.  Several friends have taken the time to write back, and I can’t tell you how many times those small bits of story, or thoughts, or kudos have come at the perfect time to give me a smile, a preponderance, or a tear to my eye.

I’m so glad every time I get an envelope in my mailbox or every time I sit down with a pen and some pretty paper that I decided to embark on this experiment.  I feel like I’ve learned so much and been blessed with such wisdom.  But I realize as I type this, I couldn’t put what I’ve learned into words; or express how I’ve been blessed.

So, maybe the experiment isn’t over yet.  And, truthfully, I hope it is never over.  I have thoroughly enjoyed all the moments spent in this ‘project’ and cherish all those little nuggets of love and ideas that have come back to me.

Let me know if you want to participate, I'd love to add you to my list. Email your address to me at:

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